The Odyssey of Homer
Richmond Lattimore
- Homer’s
- great
- epic
- The
- Odyssey—one
- of
- Western
- literature’s
- most
- enduring
- and
- important
- works—translated
- by
- Richmond
- LattimoreA
- classic
- for
- the
- ages,
- The
- Odyssey
- recounts
- Odysseus’
- journey
- home
- after
- the
- Trojan
- War—and
- the
- obstacles
- he
- faces
- along
- the
- way
- to
- reclaim
- his
- throne,
- kingdom,
- and
- family
- in
- Ithaca.During
- his
- absence,
- his
- steadfast
- and
- clever
- wife,
- Penelope,
- and
- now
- teenaged
- son,
- Telemachus,
- have
- lived
- under
- the
- constant
- threat
- of
- ruthless
- suitors,
- all
- desperate
- to
- court
- Penelope
- and
- claim
- the
- throne.
- As
- the
- suitors
- plot
- Telemachus’
- murder,
- the
- gods
- debate
- Odysseus’
- fate.
- With
- help
- from
- the
- goddess
- Athena,
- the
- scattered
- family
- bides
- their
- time
- as
- Odysseus
- battles
- his
- way
- through
- storm
- and
- shipwreck,
- the
- cave
- of
- the
- Cyclops,
- the
- isle
- of
- witch-goddess
- Circe,
- the
- deadly
- Sirens’
- song,
- a
- trek
- through
- the
- Underworld,
- and
- the
- omnipresent
- wrath
- of
- the
- scorned
- god
- Poseidon.An
- American
- poet
- and
- classicist,
- Richmond
- Lattimore’s
- translation
- of
- The
- Odyssey
- is
- widely
- considered
- among
- the
- best
- available
- in
- the
- English
- language.
- Lattimore
- breathes
- modern
- life
- into
- Homer’s
- epic,
- bringing
- this
- classic
- work
- of
- heroes,
- monsters,
- vengeful
- gods,
- treachery,
- and
- redemption
- to
- life
- for
- modern readers.
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