Retirement: Different by Design
Six Building Blocks Fundamentally Changing How Life After Work is Viewed, Planned For, and Lived
Rick Steiner Ph.D.
- Plan
- for
- retirement
- with
- confidence
- and
- ease,
- using
- this
- essential
- guide
- for
- envisioning
- and
- creating
- a
- post-work
- life
- filled
- with
- meaning
- and
- purposeRetirement
- is
- more
- than
- the
- absence
- of
- work—it’s
- a
- different
- way
- of
- life
- requiring
- new
- vision,
- new
- purpose,
- and
- new
- life
- perspectives.
- You
- see,
- retirement
- is
- too
- important
- to
- leave
- to
- luck
- or
- circumstance;
- we
- have
- to
- plan
- and
- make
- them
- happen—our
- way.Your
- bridge
- to
- the
- “other
- side
- of
- work,”
- Retirement:
- Different
- By
- Design
- presents
- two
- dynamic
- and
- innovative
- templates
- for
- moving
- seamlessly
- into
- retirement
- and
- beyond—“Retirement’s
- Ages
- and
- Stages”
- and
- “Retirement’s
- Six
- Fundamental
- Building
- Blocks.”
- Providing
- practical
- strategies
- and
- answers,
- not
- more
- questions,
- each
- chapter
- delivers
- insights,
- tools,
- narratives,
- and
- models
- for
- making
- retirement
- the
- best
- years
- of
- the
- rest
- of
- our
- lives.
- And,
- it’s
- not
- always
- about
- the
- money.Indeed,
- we
- all
- can
- live
- socially
- rich,
- emotionally
- balanced,
- intellectually
- nourishing,
- healthful,
- and
- physically
- active
- retirements
- no
- matter
- the
- size
- of
- our
- bank
- accounts—this
- is
- the
- new
- retirement
- reality
- that
- Retirement:
- Different
- By
- Design
- offers
- the
- soon-to-be
- and
- the
- already
- retired.RETIREMENT’S
- Physical
- and
- Emotional
- Health
- and
- Well-Being
- Financial
- Security
- and
- Continuity
- Life
- Transition
- and
- Acceptance
- Intergenerational
- Life
- Engagement
- Intellectual
- and
- Physical
- Pursuits,
- Interests,
- and
- Activities
- Spirituality,
- Meaning,
- Family,
- and
- Legacy“Any
- book
- on
- retirement
- planning
- that
- does
- not
- begin
- with
- a
- discussion
- of
- money
- is
- off
- to
- a
- good
- start,
- at
- least
- to
- our
- thinking.
- And
- so
- it
- is
- with
- Retirement:
- Different
- by
- Design.”
- —The
- Wall
- Street Journal