- How
- do
- you
- get
- home
- from
- a
- place
- that
- officially
- doesn't
- exist?Mickey
- O'Brien
- is
- Eurasian.
- The
- virtual
- classroom
- was
- the
- perfect
- place
- to
- hide
- that
- fact
- from
- his
- full
- blooded
- Asian
- classmates.
- But
- as
- it
- turns
- out,
- they
- all
- had
- something
- to
- hide.
- On
- their
- class
- trip
- to
- America
- of
- the
- late
- 21st
- century,
- they
- find
- that
- the
- giant
- multinational
- corporations
- in
- control
- of
- everything,
- were
- also
- hiding
- something
- from
- the
- world.
- Now,
- they've
- become
- stranded
- in
- the
- great
- American
- out-back,
- where
- the
- wild
- west
- is
- once
- again
- wild.A
- vast
- area
- of
- what
- was
- once
- U.S.A.
- is
- now
- divided
- between
- countless
- republics:
- some
- are
- Nazi,
- some
- are
- militant
- Christian
- and
- other
- red-neck
- cowboy
- states,
- some
- Native
- American
- Nations,
- Mafia
- kingdoms,
- etc
- etc.
- Once
- having
- stumbled
- in,
- can
- they
- ever
- find
- their
- way
- out
- again?It's
- a
- story
- of
- finding
- out
- what's
- real,
- and
- discovering
- true
- faith
- as
- they
- become
- involved
- in
- an
- espionage
- war
- trying
- to
- prevent
- a
- Nazi
- takeover.The
- world
- of
- the
- late
- 21st
- century
- is
- divided
- between
- Greater
- China,
- the
- Western
- Block,
- the
- Islamic
- Block
- and
- the
- Southern
- Free
- States
- of
- Africa
- and
- South
- America.
- The
- Western
- Block
- is
- dominated
- by
- the
- multinational
- corporations,
- who
- have
- created
- a
- paradise
- for
- its
- citizens
- --
- so
- everyone thought.
pro-mbooks3 : libris