- Brian
- Adelbard
- MacKenna
- -
- former
- submarine
- captain;
- life-long
- knight-errant
- who
- fought
- to
- preserve
- civilization
- through
- the
- horrors
- of
- the
- Collapse;
- Admiral
- of
- earth's
- tiny
- space
- fleet
- during
- the
- Contact
- Crisis
- -
- dead
- man.
- His
- skills
- were
- desperately
- needed
- to
- face
- a
- crisis
- beyond
- anything
- the
- Concord
- could
- cope
- with,
- so
- the
- Ic'nichi
- brought
- him
- back
- from
- the
- dead.
- What
- they
- expected
- was
- a
- slick
- finesse
- move
- that
- would
- counter
- the
- overwhelming
- power
- of
- the
- mysterious
- alien
- attackers.
- What
- they
- got
- was
- a
- man
- haunted
- by
- seventy-five
- years
- of
- bloody
- nightmares
- who
- knew
- every
- trick
- in
- the
- book,
- who
- would
- play
- their
- game
- his
- way,
- and
- who
- wouldn't
- quit
- -
- no
- matter
- what.The
- Ic'nichi
- -
- Human
- Chronicles
- take
- a
- dark
- new
- turn
- in
- this,
- the
- Second
- History
- Of
- The
- Interstellar
- Concord.
- The
- time
- is
- twenty
- years
- and
- beyond
- the
- events
- of
- the
- First
- History.
- Relations
- between
- the
- Ic'nichi
- and
- humans
- are
- fairly
- stable,
- but
- now
- both
- races
- face
- new
- challenges
- from
- beyond
- the
- stars.
- A
- human
- colony
- is
- under
- attack
- by
- aliens
- with
- awesome
- firepower.
- Fearing
- their
- advanced
- technology,
- the
- Ic'nichi
- bring
- the
- human
- Admiral
- Brian
- MacKenna,
- who
- commanded
- earth's
- tiny
- space
- fleet
- during
- the
- Contact
- Crisis,
- back
- from
- the
- dead.
- His
- mission:
- to
- save
- the
- defenseless
- colony
- which
- is
- being
- systematically
- destroyed.
- His
- chances
- for
- success:
- zero.
- His
- probable
- reward:
- to
- disappear
- as
- mysteriously
- as
- he
- arrived.Trapped
- by
- his
- deeply
- ingrained
- sense
- of
- duty,
- hapless
- pawn
- of
- interstellar
- intrigue,
- and
- doubting
- his
- own
- identity,
- Mac
- is
- grimly
- determined
- to
- save
- the
- colonists
- rather
- than
- have
- their
- destruction
- on
- his
- conscience.
- His
- only
- weapons:
- seventy-five
- years
- of
- combat
- experience,
- and
- his
- own desperation.
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