The New Penguin Dictionary of Modern Quotations
Robert Andrews
- The
- New
- Penguin
- Dictionary
- of
- Modern
- Quotations
- contains
- over
- 8,000
- quotations
- from
- 1914
- to
- the
- present.
- As
- much
- a
- companion
- to
- the
- modern
- age
- as
- it
- is
- an
- entertaining
- and
- useful
- reference
- tool,
- it
- takes
- the
- reader
- on
- a
- tour
- of
- the
- wit
- and
- wisdom
- of
- the
- great
- and
- the
- good,
- from
- Margot
- Asquith
- to
- Monica
- Lewinsky,
- from
- George
- V
- to
- Boutros
- Boutros-Galli
- and
- Jonathan
- Aitken
- to
- Frank Zappa.