Turquoise Stone of Heaven
Robert Beauford
- With
- a
- research
- science
- background
- in
- both
- archeology
- and
- planetary
- science,
- as
- well
- as
- 20
- years
- of
- experience
- as
- a
- silversmith,
- and
- gem
- and
- jewelry
- retailer,
- Robert
- Beauford
- offers
- a
- unique
- view
- of
- the
- geological,
- archeological,
- and
- cultural
- importance
- of
- the
- gemstone,
- turquoise.
- This
- book
- goes
- beyond
- offering
- answers
- to
- common
- questions
- about
- the
- stone.
- It
- provides
- an
- in-depth
- view
- of
- geology
- and
- gemology
- from
- within
- both
- the
- scientific
- community
- and
- the
- jewelry
- and
- gemstone trade.