Are We There Yet?
Tales from the Never-Ending Travels of WWE Superst
Reeks: WWE
Robert Caprio
- Go
- on
- the
- road
- with
- your
- favorite
- Superstars!Your
- favorite
- Superstars
- have
- more
- road
- trip
- stories
- to
- tell
- than
- they
- have
- frequent
- flier
- miles.
- Travel
- more
- than
- a
- million
- miles
- with
- The
- Big
- Show,
- Triple
- H,
- Lita,
- Stone
- Cold,
- and
- the
- rest
- of
- the
- roster.
- Read
- all
- about
- their
- crazy
- and
- hilarious
- misadventures—Big
- Show
- being
- too
- large
- to
- fit
- into
- the
- shower,
- Triple
- H’s
- hilarious
- run-in
- with
- over-enthusiastic
- fans,
- and
- many
- more.Also
- telling
- their
- stories
- are
- John
- Cena,
- Mark
- Henry,
- Teddy
- Long,
- Shannon
- Moore,
- Matt
- Hardy,
- The
- Hurricane,
- Dr.
- Tom
- Prichard,
- Molly
- Holly,
- Dave
- Hebner,
- Rico,
- Brooklyn
- Brawler,
- Kane,
- Jim
- “J.R.”
- Ross,
- Ivory,
- Victoria,
- Goldberg,
- Tommy
- Dreamer,
- Al
- Snow,
- Steve
- Richards,
- Ric
- Flair,
- A-Train,
- Dean
- Malenko,
- Sgt.
- Slaughter,
- Chris
- Jericho,
- Edge,
- Chavo
- Guerrero,
- Coach,
- Rey
- Mysterio,
- D-Von
- Dudley,
- and
- Jackie Gayda.
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