Leading Edge Techniques in Forensic Trace Evidence Analysis
In-depth exploration of the latest methodologies, tools, and techniques for analyzing trace evidence
In Leading Edge Techniques in Forensic Trace Evidence Analysis, distinguished and highly qualified contributors cover the significant advances in methodology and instruments that are now being used to analyze trace evidence in forensic laboratories, including new techniques used to determine authenticity of objects and artifacts (such as Combined Raman/LIBS Microscopy) and those used to analyze surface treatments (such as py-GC-PARCI-MS). The work also covers new evidence types, such as surface-modified fibers, microscopic particles, and shimmer, and provides detailed explanations and practical examples of all of the aforementioned topics.
Among the topics covered are:
With detailed explanations of modern methodologies, tools, techniques, and evidence types in trace evidence forensics, along with helpful guidance to put covered concepts into practice, Leading Edge Techniques in Forensic Trace Evidence Analysis serves as an invaluable hands-on reference for scientists in forensic laboratories worldwide.