The Red Sea Rules
10 God-Given Strategies for Difficult Times
Robert J. Morgan
- Bestselling
- author
- Robert
- Morgan
- offers
- ten
- strategies
- for
- dealing
- with
- hard
- times
- and
- discouragements
- in
- order
- to
- move
- from
- fear
- to
- faith—a
- divine
- protocol
- for
- handling
- life.
- Red
- Sea
- Rules
- has
- been
- updated
- with
- new
- study
- questions.Life
- is
- hard,
- especially
- for
- Christians.
- It
- is
- certain
- that
- we
- will
- face
- difficulties
- and
- that
- God
- will
- allow
- them.
- But
- just
- as
- certain
- is
- the
- fact
- that
- the
- same
- God
- who
- led
- us
- in
- will
- lead
- us
- out.
- As
- The
- Red
- Sea
- Rules
- makes
- comfortingly
- clear,
- He
- is
- in
- control.Using
- the
- Israelites'
- story
- in
- Exodus
- 14
- as
- an
- example,
- Robert
- Morgan
- offers
- ten
- sound
- strategies
- for
- moving
- from
- fear
- to
- faith.
- Just
- as
- Moses
- and
- the
- Israelites
- became
- trapped
- between
- Pharaoh's
- rushing
- armies
- and
- the
- uncrossable
- Red
- Sea,
- so
- are
- we
- sometimes
- overwhelmed
- by
- life's
- problems.In
- The
- Red
- Sea
- Rules,
- readers
- will
- learn
- strategies
- to:The
- Red
- Sea
- Rules
- reveals
- that
- even
- in
- the
- midst
- of
- seemingly
- impossible
- situations,
- God
- promises
- to
- make
- a
- way
- for
- us.
- His
- loving
- guidance
- will
- protect
- us
- through
- danger,
- illness,
- marital
- strife,
- financial
- problems,
- or
- whatever
- challenges
- Satan
- places
- in
- our
- path.The
- Red
- Sea
- Rules
- also
- is
- available
- in
- Spanish,
- reglas
- del
- Mar Rojo.
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