A Scientific Investigation
Robert R. Provine
- Do
- men
- and
- women
- laugh
- at
- the
- same
- things?
- laughter
- contagious?
- anyone
- ever
- really
- died
- laughing?
- laughing
- good
- for
- your
- health?Drawing
- upon
- ten
- years
- of
- research
- into
- this
- most
- common-yet
- complex
- and
- often
- puzzling-human
- phenomenon,
- Dr.
- Robert
- Provine,
- the
- world's
- leading
- scientific
- expert
- on
- laughter,
- investigates
- such
- aspects
- of
- his
- subject
- as
- its
- evolution,
- its
- role
- in
- social
- relationships,
- its
- contagiousness,
- its
- neural
- mechanisms,
- and
- its
- health
- benefits.
- This
- is
- an
- erudite,
- wide-ranging,
- witty,
- and
- long-overdue
- exploration
- of
- a
- frequently
- surprising subject.
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