- When
- successful
- environmental
- prosecutor,
- Angela
- Bane,
- goes
- in
- for
- her
- annual
- synaptic
- backup,
- she's
- just
- as
- reluctant
- as
- always.
- After
- all
- it's
- just
- a
- routine
- procedure.
- Until
- she
- wakes
- up
- twenty-two
- years
- later
- in
- a
- chaotic
- surgery
- room,
- disoriented
- and
- unable
- to
- speak.As
- she
- slowly
- recovers
- from
- the
- Resus
- operation
- and
- learns
- about
- her
- fate,
- she
- struggles
- to
- deal
- with
- a
- world
- that's
- gone
- on
- without
- her.
- Her
- father's
- dead,
- her
- fiance,
- Jordan,
- has
- become
- an
- old
- man
- in
- her
- "absence,"
- and
- her
- body
- hasn't
- aged
- at
- all
- since
- the
- day
- it
- was
- littered
- with
- bullets.With
- no
- memory
- of
- her
- murder
- and
- no
- bearings
- in
- this
- place
- and
- time,
- Angela
- begins
- both
- physical
- and
- emotional
- therapy
- to
- try
- and
- adjust.
- Unable
- to
- deal
- with
- the
- chasm
- of
- time
- that's
- opened
- up
- between
- them,
- she
- sends
- Jordan
- away
- determined
- to
- suffer
- in
- solitude.Then
- the
- dreams
- begin.
- A
- dark
- parking
- garage,
- a
- close
- colleague,
- and
- the
- obscured
- face
- of
- a
- man
- lifting
- his
- gun
- and
- pointing
- it
- in
- their
- direction.
- Could
- she
- actually
- be
- remembering
- something
- that
- happened
- after
- her
- backup?"It's
- called
- Dream
- Static.
- Sometimes
- the
- old
- brain
- tissue
- still
- retains
- bits
- of
- memories
- and,
- upon
- reanimation,
- those
- synapses
- can
- connect
- and
- reincorporate
- with
- the
- ones
- that
- were
- backed
- up."Before
- long,
- someone
- comes
- to
- visit
- her
- in
- the
- hospital.
- A
- dark
- brooding
- presence,
- Maddox
- was
- the
- original
- detective
- assigned
- to
- her
- murder.
- And
- now
- that
- she's
- alive,
- maybe,
- just
- maybe
- she
- holds
- the
- key
- to
- bringing
- the
- man
- responsible
- to
- justice.Over
- time,
- the
- dreams
- bring
- Angela
- closer
- and
- closer
- to
- finding
- the
- identity
- of
- her
- killer.
- As
- her
- heart
- draws
- her
- closer
- and
- closer
- to
- Detective
- Maddox.And
- in
- the
- end
- the
- killer
- might
- just
- find her…Again.
pro-mbooks3 : libris