Seven Years Missing
Robin Castle
- Accomplished
- at
- locating
- missing
- money
- and
- wayward
- cats,
- 26-year-old
- Private
- Investigator
- Pear
- Márquez
- is
- certain
- she
- can
- solve
- the
- coldest
- case
- in
- Harriettu:
- finding
- Todd
- Byrne,
- a
- man
- missing
- for
- seven
- years.
- That
- no
- one,
- not
- even
- his
- family,
- ever
- searched
- for
- him
- doesn't
- dissuade
- Pear.
- But
- it
- should.
- Because
- someone
- doesn't
- want
- Todd's
- fate
- revealed.
- But
- who?
- And
- why
- didn't
- anyone
- look
- for him?
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