Heart Search
Reeks: A Celta Novel
Robin D. Owens
- Noble
- Laev
- T'Hawthorne
- must
- rebuild
- his
- life
- after
- marrying
- a
- woman
- he
- believed
- was
- his
- HeartMate,
- only
- to
- fall
- victim
- to
- her
- greed.Abandoned
- at
- 15,
- Camellia
- Darjeeling
- values
- her
- independence
- above
- all—even
- as
- her
- father
- and
- uncle
- emotionally
- scourge
- her
- and
- extort
- money.
- For
- Camellia,
- trusting
- men,
- even
- her
- HeartMate,
- is
- too
- risky.When
- Laev
- and
- Camellia
- meet,
- they
- refuse
- to
- acknowledge
- that
- they
- are
- true
- HeartMates.
- But
- their
- destiny
- cannot
- be
- avoided.
- .
- . .
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