Death Benefits
Robin Morgan
- Robin
- Morgan’s
- lyrical
- gifts
- are
- again
- on
- display
- in
- this
- limited
- edition
- of
- four
- of
- her
- most
- celebrated
- poemsProstituted
- women,
- pimps,
- Alice
- B.
- Toklas,
- and
- Bertha
- Mason—Edward
- Rochester’s
- mad
- first
- wife
- in
- Jane
- Eyre—all
- make
- appearances
- in
- a
- poem
- titled
- “Battery,”
- a
- word
- that,
- in
- Morgan’s
- hands,
- has
- surprising
- meanings.
- Affirmation
- underscores
- the
- perfect
- Shakespearian
- sonnet,
- “Birthright,”
- as
- it
- counsels
- a
- defiant
- gaze
- at
- life
- and
- death.
- The
- life
- of
- a
- flower
- and
- the
- process
- it
- undergoes
- to
- blossom
- is
- the
- subject
- of
- “Peony,”
- with
- an
- utterly
- fresh
- metaphor
- that
- widens
- to
- embrace
- the
- planet.
- And
- the
- title
- poem,
- with
- its
- witty
- play
- on
- words,
- rips
- through
- denial
- in
- all
- its
- forms
- to
- find
- hard
- but
- bracing truths.
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