There are many times and an enormous amount of reasons why people cannot go to a Veterinary surgeon. It is my hope with this book to assist you with lowering the cost of pet-care and save you from those anxious moments. After all they are our most loyal friends. However I find caring for dogs is more difficult than caring for children. Prevention is always better than a cure. Learn all there is to know about your dog. I check my dog gums every morning before they have their morning treat.
The book covers:-
Aromatherapy for dogs, Essential Oils are,What most Essential Oils have in common:-
Temporarily helps rid tissues of excess fluid, Aromatherapy Blending Chart
How To Heal With Aromatherapy, Animal Pregnancy, Babies & Dogs, Animals Over 30 kilo (Not Pregnant)
Aromatherapy Safe Essential Oils, Aromatherapy Oils To Be Avoided, Antidote To Homeopathy Remedies, High Blood Pressure, Low Blood Pressure,(Hypotension po=low) Do not use, Photosensitive to some skin types, Photo toxic, Unsafe for Lactation, Safe oils for Lactation, Oils that can cause Skin Sensitization or irritate a sensitive skin type,
Inhalations, Douches, Enemas for humans and animals, Oils that are Mucous Membrane Irritants, Safest Essential Oils to use in Pregnancy, Epilepsy, Avoid When Convulsive or Epilepsy, Aspin/Aspro, Fragrance oils.
Arthritis, Pain Relief, Arthritis Mix, Bathing Your Dog, Shampoo Types, Grooming your dog, Bristle brush, Bathing a Dog With Sensitive Skin, Sensitive Skin Pre-Bath Massage Oil.
Dog Bites, spider bites, if you get bitten by a dog, Shock Mix, Brushing your dog, Car Accidents
Chicken Broth For A Sick Dog, Dogs need grandparents, Common Dog Dangers, Coughing
Allergic reaction to food, Kennel cough, Steam inhalation.
Cuts and Abrasions, Daily Health Check for your dog, Desexing benefits for your dog, Diarrhea
Dehydrated Dog, Natural Alternatives to Electrolytes, Home make electrolytes, Dehydration in Dogs is typically caused by, Signs of Dehydration in Dogs Include, How to Determine Dehydration in Dogs
To check dehydration, What You Should do for Dehydration in Dogs.
Take Dogs Pulse, Fix Dry Skin, Dry Skin Treatment, Eye Care, Eye Care Mix
Fleas, Dogs Flea Spray, House Flea Spray, Flea Seasons, Plants to deter fleas, Aromatherapy Flea Spray, Toxic Flea Plants
Feeding/Water Bowls, Feeding Tips, Water Bowls, Feeding Quantities, Chicken/Meat & Rice Casserole Quantities, Grooming, Dogs Gums, Hard Poo, Pet's Elimination Habits, Causes of Constipation in pets, Dogs Enema, Foods That Keep Him Regular, Dogs Eat Poo, Dogs Acupressure Points, Foods That Poison Dogs, Immunization/vaccinations, Core Vaccines, Non-core vaccines, Lethargy Tired Dog,
Dogs Nose and its functions, No Sew Dogs Coat, Panting, Smelling salts for anxious dogs.
Parvo Virus, Parvo Treatment, Parvo Prevention, Prevention is better than cure, Skin irritations
Talking to your dog, Dog talk.
Tick Poisoning, Tick Size, When to Defy Your Veterinary, Urination, Shampoo for pets, Dogs Teeth, Tick Poisons,Dogs Vomiting, Walking your dog, Weight Changes, Whinging Whining, The different reasons why your dog may be whining, Worms, Signs telling you that your dog has worms, Common symptoms to watch out for, Symptoms and risks for worm infections, How to treat your dog for worms.