Functional Fitness Explained


Functional fitness has been a major buzzword in the health and fitness sphere for some time now … and for good reason. It has a lot to offer, and not so much for fitness buffs and athletes, although they can benefit from it too, but for all of us everyday people.

In fact, it's one of the most versatile fitness philosophies around today and you'd be hard pressed to find a single person who couldn't benefit from applying functional fitness to their life. It makes daily life so much easier.

Functional fitness is applicable to a wide range of lifestyles, goals, and needs, which accounts for its increasing popularity these days. However, as with any very popular new fitness ideal, you'll also find some common misconceptions … even from the so-called functional fitness experts!

In this book "Functional Fitness Explained", we explore what functional fitness is, how it differs from other fitness philosophies, and debunked the myths and misconceptions common to it.

Functional fitness is different because it makes everything become easier than before; whether it is opening a jar of jam, getting out of bed in the morning, doing the vacuuming and laundry … even carrying in groceries, becomes much easier when you are functionally fit.

And it is an ideal program to do at home as you don't need any equipment, however if you want to make the exercises more difficult as your fitness level increases, a few kettlebells, dumbbells and resistance bands in a few different weight can help … but again, not necessary.

Plain and simple …this book "Functional Fitness Explained" makes the physical struggles of daily life easier. Get your copy today!

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