The Cape Coral Heroes


The city of Cape Coral, Florida is a very quiet town. There usually is not much going on there other than little things usually happening. Disputes from storeowners to storeowners, cops and a scattering of small time robbers, some teenage kids doing stupid pranks or something like that but generally seldom did really serious things happen here.

Our hero David and his lifetime female friend Cressida work at the Cape Coral Senior Citizen Complex. It is a nice, neat, tidy place where elders live with wide, open spaces and within complexes with a lot of room. There are volleyball courts, pools, yoga, palates and other classes. The pools indoor and out are wide but not too deep. There is a large building containing a dance and recreation center. There are a lot of TV's here, all on different channels. The town and senior facility can be explained as nothing less than a golden ager (or as some would say - matriarch) utopia.

But, like here and everywhere on the planet now and again really crazy disasters would hit like a falling building, an attack from some oversized ocean creature, a tumbling communications tower and any manner of disasters that could result in mass death and destruction. If it were not for our embedded super hero (Safety Goggle) especially here in Cape Coral I'm afraid any sense of heaven on earth could simply not be possible.

The question you have to ask yourself is who or what is trying to destroy a person, place or our Cape Coral Garden of Eden? Secondly, what is going to happen to either resolve or contend with these strange and ever increasing seemingly targeted events trying to wreak havoc on an otherwise community most people only ever dream about?

pro-mbooks3 : libris