- A
- group
- of
- volunteers
- conduct
- a
- psychological
- experiment
- in
- an
- abandoned
- hotel.
- However,
- when
- night
- falls,
- they
- find
- themselves
- trapped
- in
- an
- inescapable
- nightmare.
- As
- time
- goes
- by,
- strange
- phenomena
- and
- disappearances
- in
- the
- hotel
- gradually
- reveal
- the
- horrific
- truth
- hidden
- in
- this
- place
- -
- it
- was
- once
- a
- mental
- hospital,
- and
- many
- patients
- mysteriously
- disappeared
- when
- the
- hospital
- was
- closed.
- Li
- Zi,
- one
- of
- the
- leaders
- of
- the
- experiment,
- began
- to
- suspect
- that
- she
- had
- an
- inextricable
- connection
- with
- this
- hotel.
- In
- the
- process
- of
- pursuing
- the
- truth,
- she
- discovered
- that
- the
- so-called
- "ghosts"
- and
- fears
- were
- actually
- illusions
- created
- by
- the
- collective
- psychology
- of
- human
- beings.
- Although
- she
- tried
- to
- use
- psychological
- methods
- to
- solve
- the
- mystery
- and
- help
- everyone
- escape,
- Li
- Zi
- eventually
- realized
- that
- she
- was
- just
- part
- of
- this
- mental
- experiment.
- her
- mind
- collapsed
- and
- the
- boundary
- between
- reality
- and
- illusion
- became
- blurred,
- Li
- Zi
- finally
- realized
- that
- she
- had
- never
- really
- left
- the
- hotel
- from
- the
- beginning,
- and
- this
- nightmare
- would
- never end.
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