Vibrating at the Speed of Love
Rosalie Cushman
- The
- A
- Priori"This
- is
- the
- season
- for
- reconstituted
- living.
- Look
- at
- the
- smallest
- kindness
- and
- you
- will
- see
- the
- ingredients
- Einstein
- spoke
- of
- as
- comprising
- life.
- Love
- constitutes
- all
- things,
- abides
- in
- all
- things,
- reveals
- all
- things.
- It
- is
- never
- the
- catastrophe
- that
- does
- us
- in.
- Rather,
- it
- is
- the
- blind
- spot
- through
- which
- we
- view
- it."
- From
- Vibrating
- At
- The
- Speed
- Of
- LoveVibrating
- At
- The
- Speed
- Of
- Love
- is
- comprised
- of
- short
- easy-to-read
- passages
- across
- 100
- pages
- written
- in
- contemplative
- fashion
- addressing
- the
- tension
- between
- imprisonment
- of
- thoughts
- driven
- by
- ego
- and
- those
- offering
- peace
- and
- liberation
- from
- the
- Divine.
- While
- born
- out
- of
- a
- medical
- crisis,
- it
- emerged
- as
- an
- inspirational
- experience
- fueled
- by
- Love.The
- longer
- story...The
- murkiness
- and
- devastation
- of
- fear
- was
- unknown
- to
- me
- with
- all
- its
- complexities
- and
- consequences,
- until
- I
- was
- diagnosed
- with
- a
- tumor.
- While
- I
- certainly
- had
- awareness
- of
- being
- afraid
- throughout
- my
- life,
- I
- did
- not
- know
- how
- pervasive
- it
- was.
- I
- also
- did
- not
- know
- how
- deleterious
- to
- my
- health
- fear
- was,
- driven
- instead
- by
- the
- belief
- it
- kept
- me
- alive.And
- what
- did
- I
- know
- about
- real
- love,
- the
- depth
- of
- it,
- the
- crucible
- known
- and
- expressed
- for
- self
- and
- others,
- the
- love
- that
- creates
- intense
- connections
- with
- wondrous
- outcomes
- founded
- on
- the
- state
- of
- being.
- Instead,
- my
- image
- and
- understanding
- of
- love
- was
- simplistic
- until
- a
- tumor
- set
- my
- preconceived
- notions
- of
- fear
- and
- love
- on
- their
- respective
- ears!The
- BookVibrating
- at
- the
- Speed
- of
- Love
- is
- a
- contemplative
- lyrical
- journey,
- an
- ear-splitting,
- mind-bending
- and
- ultimately,
- life-altering
- examination
- of
- fear
- and
- love.
- In
- equal
- measure,
- each
- state
- is
- contemplated
- soberly,
- with
- brutal
- honesty,
- simplicity
- and
- finally,
- revelation.
- Further,
- while
- the
- manuscript
- springs
- from
- personal
- flashes
- of
- understanding,
- it
- serves
- as
- a
- vehicle
- that
- captures
- the
- universal
- whisper
- known
- to
- many
- but
- is
- all
- too
- often
- quasi-conscious
- at
- best.It
- serves
- up
- inspirational
- musings
- about
- the
- tension
- between
- the
- ego
- and
- spirit,
- between
- human
- drives
- and
- the
- Divine
- impulse
- we
- all
- share.
- It
- is
- ordinary,
- predictable,
- and
- the
- most
- basic
- struggle.
- My
- life--our
- lives--are
- filled
- with
- a
- tension,
- at
- times
- severe,
- between
- earthly
- ego-driven
- I-want-things-to-be-a-certain-way
- tension,
- bloated
- with
- our
- precious
- opinions
- and
- judgements
- that
- keep
- us
- taut,
- and
- away
- from
- the
- peace
- that
- passes
- understanding.Each
- short
- passage
- is
- the
- subtle
- whisper
- that
- beckons
- the
- reader
- into
- progressive
- recognition
- of
- universal
- truths,
- "having
- known
- it
- all
- along."
- Drawn
- heavily
- from
- A
- Course
- in
- Miracles
- with
- occasional
- references
- to
- the
- body
- of
- work
- conducted
- by
- Dr.
- David
- R.
- Hawkins,
- the
- text
- leads
- its
- reader
- much
- like
- its
- author
- was
- led
- to
- greater
- spiritual
- insights
- and
- understanding.
- Ultimately,
- it
- is
- the
- value
- of
- the
- individual
- experience
- safe
- inside
- that
- breaks
- through
- near
- the
- end,
- offering
- promise
- and
- hope
- to
- the
- emerging
- unafraid heart.