It's the not-too-distant future in the American west, and sadly, things are going about the way we were warned they would go if we didn't clean up our act. The only way forward is to trust the science. Can we still save our environment? Does anyone even know what that means, even after a hundred years of Earth Days?
This book has wild horses, the EverGreenpeace, the Church of Wendell Berry, vat meat, python fights, cruise ship mutinies, The Glitterati, and the Valley of the Dogs, just to name a few things. It is healthy and non-dystopian. I packed this book with fictional, yet possible futures, because I care about stories, no wonder how ludicrous they are. It could happen. And the great thing about science fiction is that even if you don't read it now, the book will only become more true in the future.
And if you're an anarchist who wants to see it all burn, that's in here too. Because remember, my friends--Nature bats last.
Despite our future trials, which are numerous and confusing, we persevere. Because life is either a grand adventure, or you're a robot--and nobody wants that. Never trust the robots.