Rosemary Rogers
- Born
- of
- scandal
- and
- denied
- his
- birthright,
- Dominic
- Challenger
- took
- to
- the
- sea,
- charting
- his
- own
- future.
- A
- true
- rogue,
- Dominic
- answers
- to
- no
- one,
- trusting
- only
- himself.
- Until
- Marisa.Born
- of
- wealth
- and
- privilege,
- Marisa
- is
- a
- prisoner
- to
- her
- father's
- expectations.
- When
- the
- sanctuary
- she
- has
- found
- behind
- the
- walls
- of
- a
- convent
- is
- threatened
- by
- the
- news
- that
- her
- father
- has
- arranged
- for
- her
- to
- marry,
- Marisa
- flees
- right
- into
- the
- arms
- of
- a
- pirate.From
- the
- safety
- of
- a
- sheltered
- convent
- to
- a
- sultan's
- harem,
- from
- the
- opulence
- of
- Napoleon's
- court
- to
- the
- wilds
- of
- the
- new
- frontier,
- Marisa
- and
- Dominic
- brave
- all
- that
- they
- encounter
- in
- this
- thrilling
- age:
- intrigue,
- captivity
- and
- danger.
- And
- above
- all,
- an
- enduring
- passion
- that
- ignites
- into
- an
- infinite love.
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