The Lantern Bearers
Reeks: The Roman Britain Trilogy
Rosemary Sutcliff
- Rosemary
- Sutcliff's
- The
- Lantern
- Bearers
- is
- the
- winner
- of
- the
- 1959
- Carnegie
- Medal
- in
- Literature.The
- last
- of
- the
- Roman
- army
- have
- set
- sail
- and
- left
- Britain
- forever,
- abandoning
- it
- to
- civil
- war
- and
- the
- threat
- of
- a
- Saxon
- invasion.
- Aquila,
- a
- young
- Legionnaire,
- deserted
- his
- regiment
- to
- stay
- behind
- with
- his
- family,
- but
- his
- home
- and
- all
- that
- he
- loves
- are
- destroyed.
- Years
- of
- hardship
- and
- fighting
- follow,
- and
- in
- the
- end,
- there
- is
- only
- one
- thing
- left
- in
- Aquila's
- life—his
- thirst
- for
- revenge
- .
- . .
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