Removal of the Consciousness of Sin


It might surprise you to know most Christians have not discovered, and therefore do not experience the central revelation of the New Testament. The New Testament reveals God did something completely new through the atonement of Jesus Christ, his death, burial, and resurrection on behalf of all people. It was God's intention all receiving Jesus' salvation should enter into a change never before available to mankind.

John G Lake expressed it this way: "When it comes down to the real heart of things, you will want a religion that is not man-made…. all the old religions of the world are human religions…. they are religions that have been born in the mind of a man. Christianity is born in the heart of God the Father. God's first purpose is to make man good by removing the consciousness of sin from his soul in order that he may grow up into God and fulfil the great purpose that God has in store for him, becoming a son of God in mind, nature, power, and capacity to bless. The salvation of Jesus was a redemption of the whole man from all the power of sin, every whit — sin in the spirit, sin in the soul, sin in the body."

If you are committed to live by the Word of God, and are open to change, this book has the answers you have been seeking for a much better Christian experience.

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