A Stranger's Love
Psychic Heat, #3
Reeks: Psychic Heat
Roxy Boroughs
- Undercover
- cop
- Grady
- Keys
- is
- on
- the
- trail
- of
- a
- serial
- kidnapper
- in
- Fort
- Lauderdale.
- A
- kidnapper
- turned
- killer.The
- crime
- touches
- a
- nerve
- for
- Grady.
- He
- can't
- shake
- the
- memory
- of
- his
- high
- school
- sweetheart,
- Brianna
- Webb,
- who
- was
- also
- kidnapped
- and
- murdered
- as
- a
- teen.That
- twenty-year-old
- case
- is
- still
- unresolved,
- and
- it's
- the
- reason
- Grady
- entered
- law
- enforcement.
- And
- why
- he
- avoids
- emotional
- attachments.Former
- child
- star
- Caitlyn
- Glasberg,
- financially
- strapped
- after
- a
- disastrous
- marriage,
- buys
- fixer-upper
- homes
- and
- sells
- them
- at
- a
- profit.
- Hoping
- to
- make
- a
- TV
- comeback,
- she's
- filming
- her
- current
- renovation
- project
- —
- which
- happens
- to
- be
- Brianna's
- childhood
- home.When
- Caitlyn
- hears
- ghostly
- noises
- and
- sees
- visions
- of
- a
- present-day
- kidnapping,
- she
- contacts
- police.
- Intrigued,
- Grady
- launches
- his
- own
- investigation,
- while
- struggling
- to
- guard
- his
- heart
- from
- the
- beguiling
- actress.A
- woman
- the
- killer
- wants.Adult
- language
- and
- themes,
- some
- violence,
- sexual situations.
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