Crazy for Cowboy
Roxy Boroughs
- She's
- through
- with
- cowboys.
- But
- this
- one's
- the
- 'reel'
- deal.Equine
- verterinarian,
- Emily
- Grant,
- has
- had
- her
- share
- of
- cowboys,
- and
- they
- always
- break
- her
- heart.
- After
- she
- vows
- to
- give
- them
- up
- forever,
- Brandon
- Hollister
- strides
- into
- life.He's
- a
- different
- kind
- of
- cowboy,
- one
- that
- works
- on
- the
- silver
- screen.
- But
- is
- he
- just
- playing
- the
- part
- when
- it
- comes
- to
- love?
- Or
- can
- this
- gorgeous
- hunk
- get
- past
- a
- case
- of
- mistaken
- identity,
- and
- escape
- from
- the
- "Houston"
- character
- he's
- portraying,
- to
- become
- the
- man
- to
- win
- Emily's heart.
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