In this sequel to Black Death, Grant Dalton's experience as a special taskforce agent with the Shreveport Police Department and Robyn Kyser's expertise as a private investigator are called upon when Zachary Edward Westcott, III, son of a recently deceased billionaire, goes missing the same night his One Court Square penthouse office is burglarized. The police believe Edward is responsible, using it as a cover up for his father's murder.
Contacted by the Westcott family's longtime butler, Robyn is asked to prove Edward's innocence. Bruce Dalton, though confident in Robyn's investigative abilities, believes something else maybe at play and asks his son, Grant, to go undercover. Grant, anxious to see Robyn after their last case together one month ago, jumps at the opportunity to once again join forces with her.
Grant and Robyn follow a riddle in the billionaire's will that suggest a hidden hoard of gold double eagle coins lost near the end of the civil war. As they follow the trail, Grant and Robyn encounter murder, deceit, and political corruption in New Orleans' upper class society.
Will Grant and Robyn find Edward in time? Will their friendship become something more as the investigation subjects them to danger around every turn? Will Grant's witty charm and good looks be enough to keep a blast from Robyn's past from stealing her away? Does the treasure actually exist or is it simply a legend?
Uncover the answers to these questions and more in UNION TREASURE, A Grant and Robyn Mystery.