Thawing An Ice Heart

Sledge Hockey Team of Cedar Harbor, #1

Reeks: Sledge Hockey Team of Cedar Harbor


Kevin Murphy is back in Cedar Harbor for a fresh start and totally not because he's running away from mistakes that cost him his professional sled hockey career in Toronto. No, he's come to the small New England town to help others, not to hide.

Ten years ago Kevin lost both his legs and discovering adaptive sports helped give him his life back. Now he wants to start an amateur sled hockey team for newly injured men. Cedar Harbor is home to Thatcher Memorial Rehab where Kevin did his recovery and it's the perfect place to give back to the disabled community.

Dr. Wilson insists on bringing a professional fundraiser on board. Carly Jennings is, as Dr. Wilson says, the best fundraiser in the state. She is organized, professional, and excellent at what she does.

Kevin takes an instant dislike to her, resentful of able-bodied people taking over his project and concerned that paying her will not be a good investment in the team.

What Kevin doesn't know is that Carly has a very personal relationship to the disability community. Her younger brother Robbie is a quadriplegic from a car accident when they were teens and she knows exactly how important sports are for giving newly injured people their lives back.

Kevin and Carly fight over the best way to build this new sled hockey team while denying the intense chemistry between them. Until a game of Truth Or Dare changes everything...

pro-mbooks3 : libris