Remains of the Past II

Mistakes have consequences


Silently and without warning, the first wave swept away civilisation. On a carefree Sunday morning in early June, most of the world's population suddenly died, falling instantly dead where they stood. There was no opportunity to express any loving sentiments and no famous last words to fill future history books, just silence. A second wave one week later reduced the number of survivors still further. Nearly six years had passed before Max and Maja joined a group of survivors in Weyhill Castle. Their differing skill sets ensured them a warm welcome and gained them respected positions within the community. As lovers, they became the couple everyone expected to see united in marriage, but not long after joining them, Max unexpectedly left. There were no goodbyes, no note and no explanation, just an empty bed and a bewildered Maja. Five months later, with the first snow of the season lying on the ground, Max returned, leading two survivors and their baby to the safety of Weyhill Castle, and was, contrary to his assurances to his fellow travellers, seriously ill

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