A Minor (League) Tale
S.C. Sobotka
- Baseball
- is
- only
- a
- game.True
- on
- its
- face,
- but
- a
- description
- that
- falls
- short
- of
- encapsulating
- the
- countless
- slice-of-life
- stories
- that
- originate
- within
- the
- game,
- whether
- playing,
- coaching,
- cheering,
- or
- just
- watching.This
- is
- one
- of
- those
- stories,
- and
- it's
- simple;
- It
- begins
- and
- ends
- with
- a
- baseball
- bat.Settle
- in
- for
- an
- enjoyably
- quick
- read
- and
- view
- the
- experiences,
- memories,
- relationships,
- and
- missed
- opportunities
- through
- your
- own
- lens,
- as
- an
- old
- baseball
- bat
- travels
- through
- several
- decades
- before
- ending
- up
- in
- its
- rightful place.
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