Special Agent Blythe investigates a gruesome crime scene involving a woman murdered and nailed to the ceiling, marking the return of a serial killer known for leaving the signature "PAIN." Meanwhile, Alfredo, who has a troubling vision of a devastated Los Angeles, uses his teleportation abilities to assist his colleague Carl but struggles with the implications of his past. Kat, Fox, and Mike are on a mission to save Los Angeles from destruction, guided by Kat's visions. They encounter various individuals with supernatural abilities, including Trina, a shapeshifter, who declines their offer to join them. Kat later learns of her best friend Olivia's murder and faces a vision involving a burning building and a menacing "Doctor."
As tensions rise, Carla and Kelley embark on a road trip to Las Vegas, with Carla hiding Kelley's fire-conjuring abilities and Uncle Chuck advising discretion. Alfredo's teleportation abilities become a public concern after a viral video, leaving him conflicted about his future. Kat, Fox, and their group face numerous challenges, including ambushes from Chet and his team, and are ultimately trapped by Victoria in a storm shelter where their powers cease to work. In a high-tech environment, Kat learns from Dr. James MacAvoy that her father was involved in unethical experiments to enhance abilities, prompting her to resolve to protect her friends and stop further harm.