Weaver's Revenge

Weavers Saga, #1

Reeks: Weavers Saga


In eternity past, the Maker created the first three weavers and taught them how to weave the Song. He created the looms from the First Tree and the resources that would be woven into the Song. He explained his plan for the Song and asked the weavers if they would commit their lives to weaving the Song. After a time to considered, they agreed, and so, they wove. Each weaver contributed their own quality and creativity to the Song, and they harmonized together to create the life-giving energy and loving power of the Song. Life burst forth from the world in response to the Song.

Over the eons of time, from the far north came the Song each day. It renewed the world with its power and its joy. Every living thing echoed its melody and harmonized with it. Though, all was not right in the world the Maker had created. The Maker's decision to allow his creation free will seemed to be a mistake. More and more, people were choosing to reject the Song and embrace evil. Pride, greed and fear became the dominate voice in many minds and the much of the world waxed cold and barren despite the ongoing giving of the Song.

Then on a warm spring night, Varnak, the illegitimate son of a princess, was born. He was endowed with the true power of words, and his potential power and value caused his abduction from his family, and eventually led him to the Weavers' Castle, where the Song was woven. There he became one of the three weavers. As with all humanity, selfishness and service battled in his mind, and eventually, he embraced pride and rejected the other weavers and was banished. On the shore of the great northern lake where the Weaver's Castle lay, Varnak discovered a way to influence the Song and thus began the time of Varnak. He devised a plan to regain the complete control of the Song and the world. To do that he needed a way back into the Weaver's Castle, which was impossible for him but not for someone of pure heart. So began the search for the One.

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