In the sequel series to The Unbreakable Sword, Cameron and Selena are back with new humorous adventures, new allies, and a new group of gods who want them dead…
Cameron knew that finding Huitzilopochtli wouldn’t be easy, and he was right. With Nemain’s help, they’re able to find his hiding place but he isn’t alone. Huitzilopochtli has recruited help, and the Aztec army he’s amassing just might be invincible.
But as usual, Huitzilopochtli isn’t the only god trying to kill Cameron and Selena. Ninurta’s father has found them and wants revenge for the death of his son, and an evil Finnish goddess is attempting to take over her pantheon in Ukko’s absence. Plus, Cameron and Selena still have one Treasure of the Gods to find: the Stone of Fal is the Tuatha Dé’s oldest and most mysterious Treasure, and as they’ll discover, the original gods of the Irish are hiding the truth about its origins and what it might mean for the new Guardians of Tara.
Cameron once believed that none of the gods should be trusted, and in the first book of The Guardians of Tara series, he will learn he may have been right all along.