Love, passion, and rip-stop action combine in this epic sequel to The Dauphnir Rings, Mercy.
Cylander Erickson faces off against a silent enemy that has harmed his cherished Ezmerelda and that of his second in command, Rykur Tremain’s mate, Kelly. Fear propels him to race to Ezzy’s side only to have her vanish before his eyes.
Rushing to unscramble the girls’ mysterious past only lands him in a pile of unanswered questions. Requesting aid from his friend, Maura the witch, sends him sailing through the air to land on his ass repeatedly, as she tries her magic to enter the Tristan crypt.
Raven promised Cy she wouldn’t act on her revenge without him, but the stubborn immortal can’t stop doing what she does best. She hunts down humanity’s enemies, hoping to unearth a clue that will bring her closer to Greyson’s killer. Recruiting Maura’s help, they hold nothing back to access the dangerously forbidden depths of Hell, to ascend what was taken from Raven once and for all.
*** Contains explicit sexual content and profanity. If not your reading style consider the mature YA version The Dauphnir Ring Ascends ***