Swallowing the Sun
Tales of the Watermasters, #1
Reeks: Tales of the Watermasters
Sally Bennett Boyington
- Murder.
- Betrayal.
- Deception.For
- untold
- generations,
- the
- People
- of
- Two
- Rivers
- have
- thrived
- in
- their
- unforgiving
- desert
- home
- by
- building
- canals,
- tending
- fields,
- and
- raising
- families.
- When
- the
- canals
- begin
- to
- fail,
- these
- peaceful
- farmers
- fall
- prey
- to
- the
- ambitions
- of
- a
- Rainsinger
- who
- promises
- everything
- .
- .
- .
- but
- demands
- a
- sacrifice
- greater
- than
- they
- could
- ever
- imagine.As
- old
- secrets
- are
- unburied
- and
- prophecies
- come
- to
- pass,
- can
- anyone
- stand
- against
- the
- Rainsinger's
- thirst
- for
- power?Volume
- 1
- of
- a
- new
- series,
- Tales
- of
- the
- WatermastersDramatic
- action
- and
- memorable
- characters
- drive
- an
- epic
- story
- of
- an
- ancient
- civilization.
- In
- these
- captivating
- novels
- set
- in
- the
- prehistoric
- Southwest,
- the
- People
- of
- Two
- Rivers
- are
- shown
- at
- the
- height
- of
- their
- glory
- as
- they
- face
- a
- catastrophe
- that
- threatens
- to
- destroy
- them
- utterly.Before
- written
- history
- began
- in
- what
- we
- now
- know
- as
- Arizona,
- a
- vibrant
- culture
- of
- builders,
- dreamers,
- and
- artists
- flourished
- there
- for
- a
- thousand
- years.And
- then
- they
- vanished.What
- happened
- to
- them?
- To
- find
- out,
- read
- Swallowing
- the
- Sun
- and
- the
- rest
- of
- the
- Tales
- of
- the
- Watermasters
- series.Sally
- Bennett
- Boyington's
- vivid
- re-creation
- of
- the
- Paleolithic
- Southwest
- is
- sure
- to
- enchant
- readers
- unfamiliar
- with
- the
- great
- civilization
- of
- the
- Hohokam.
- Take
- the
- first
- step
- on
- your
- own
- adventure
- .
- .
- .
- walk
- with
- the
- Watermasters today!
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