The Truth About Obamacare
Sally C. Pipes
- In
- her
- new
- book,
- The
- Truth
- About
- Obamacare,
- Sally
- C.
- Pipes—president
- of
- the
- Pacific
- Research
- Institute
- and
- an
- acknowledged
- expert
- on
- health
- care
- reform—reveals
- what
- Democrats
- in
- Congress
- and
- President
- Obama
- don't
- want
- you
- to
- know:
- Obamacare
- is
- even
- worse
- than
- most
- critics
- suspect.
- Debunking
- the
- myths
- that
- the
- current
- administration
- has
- touted,
- Pipes
- shows
- exactly
- what
- the
- new
- health
- care
- law
- will
- mean
- for
- you,
- your
- family,
- your
- doctor,
- and
- your
- wallet.
- She
- also
- reveals
- how,
- contrary
- to
- its
- promises,
- Obamacare
- will
- make
- health
- care
- more
- expensive,
- limit
- your
- options,
- lead
- to
- deteriorating
- medical
- care,
- and
- weaken
- America’s
- already
- frail economy.