Make the Ultimate Grilled Marinated Flank Steak Recipe
Salty Vixen
- Grilling
- steak
- probably
- intimidates
- the
- heck
- out
- of
- you,
- and
- rightfully
- so.
- There
- are
- only
- a
- few
- things
- more
- embarrassing
- when
- you're
- manning
- the
- grill
- than
- presenting
- an
- overcooked
- or
- under-seasoned
- filet
- that
- probably
- cost
- upwards
- of
- $20.
- Chances
- are
- you
- go
- straight
- for
- the
- 8-to-10-ounce
- filet,
- toss
- it
- on
- a
- grill
- that's
- barely
- hot
- enough
- to
- fry
- an
- egg,
- and
- then
- cook
- it
- until
- it
- resembles
- something
- your
- dog
- wouldn't
- even eat.