Engineering and the Liberal Arts
A Technologist's Guide to History, Literature, Philosophy, Art and Music
Samuel C. Florman
- From
- the
- author
- who
- inspired
- inaugural
- poet
- Richard
- Blanco!
- Engineering
- and
- the
- Liberal
- Arts
- remains
- a
- fresh
- and
- provocative
- book,
- using
- the
- familiar
- world
- of
- technology
- to
- guide
- a
- new
- generation
- of
- engineers
- through
- the
- stimulating
- world
- of
- the
- liberal
- arts.Beginning
- with
- a
- penetrating
- and
- enlightening
- discussion
- of
- how
- exposure
- to
- the
- arts
- can
- enrich
- and
- reward
- nearly
- every
- aspect
- of
- an
- engineer's
- life,
- Samuel
- Florman—himself
- a
- decorated
- engineer
- with
- over
- fifty
- years'
- experience
- in
- the
- field—boldly
- explores
- the
- natural
- relationship
- between
- liberal
- arts
- and
- technology.
- Sweeping
- away
- traditional
- barriers
- separating
- the
- two
- fields,
- Florman
- establishes
- a
- rich
- and
- vital
- communication
- of
- ideas
- between
- scientist
- and
- artist.By
- linking
- the
- history
- of
- technology
- to
- world
- history,
- the
- truth
- of
- science
- to
- philosophy,
- utility
- of
- form
- to
- painting
- and
- sculpture,
- and
- the
- world
- of
- view
- of
- the
- engineer
- to
- literature,
- Florman
- builds
- a
- series
- of
- bridges
- connecting
- science
- to
- art.
- A
- complete
- survey
- of
- the
- arts
- in
- and
- of
- itself,
- this
- impressive
- volume
- constitutes
- an
- introduction
- to
- the
- infinite
- variety
- of
- pleasures
- afforded
- through
- study
- of
- the
- liberal
- arts,
- paving
- the
- way
- to
- a
- richer,
- fuller
- life
- for
- the engineer.