The Aftermath
A Novel of Survival
Samuel C. Florman
- The
- year
- is
- 2010
- and
- the
- world
- as
- we
- know
- it
- has
- come
- to
- an
- end.
- A
- huge
- comet
- has
- smashed
- into
- the
- earth
- off
- the
- coast
- of
- California,
- vaporizing
- and
- generating
- a
- fiery
- rain
- that
- engulfs
- the
- globe
- in
- a
- destructive
- holocaust.
- But
- at
- the
- opposite
- pole
- of
- the
- planet,
- there
- is
- a
- "safe
- zone"
- encompassing
- part
- of
- the
- southeast
- African
- shore
- and
- the
- southern
- tip
- of
- Madagascar
- where
- the
- damage
- is
- extensive
- but
- not
- total.Spared
- from
- destruction
- is
- a
- luxury
- cruise
- ship,
- the
- Queen
- of
- Africa,
- which
- carries
- 600
- of
- the
- world's
- leading
- engineers.
- These
- outstanding
- technologists,
- traveling
- with
- their
- immediate
- families,
- are
- engaged
- in
- a
- seminar
- dedicated
- to
- finding
- solutions
- to
- humanity's
- eternal
- needs-shelter,
- food,
- energy,
- environmental
- preservation,
- and
- the
- like.
- But
- when
- the
- impact
- of
- the
- comet
- sends
- shock
- waves
- around
- the
- world,
- the
- passengers'
- first
- priority
- is
- to
- abandon
- ship
- for
- terra
- firma.
- Thus
- they
- head
- for
- the
- South
- African
- coast
- to
- begin
- the
- task
- of
- "starting
- over."In
- KwaZulu
- Natal
- the
- passengers
- find
- a
- surviving
- community
- of
- about
- 25,000,
- including
- many
- experienced
- agricultural
- and
- industrial
- workers.
- These
- people
- have
- been
- cast
- back,
- physically,
- to
- the
- Stone
- Age,
- but
- intellectually
- they
- are
- at
- the
- forefront
- of
- technological
- progress
- in
- the
- 21st
- century,
- and
- they
- have
- at
- their
- disposal
- the
- natural
- resources
- needed
- to
- embark
- on
- an
- industrial
- revolution.
- So
- begins
- an
- epic
- adventure
- of
- rebuilding
- the
- world
- from
- scratch,
- but
- in
- an
- unpredictable,
- and
- sometimes
- hostile,
- environment,
- survival
- itself
- may
- be
- the
- real
- challenge.The
- Aftermath
- is
- a
- provocative
- adventure
- story
- that
- provides
- a
- scientifically
- sound
- blueprint
- for
- surviving Armageddon.
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