In eternity past, there was nothing when, suddenly, divine desire shattered the darkness and created a cosmos filled with creatures. God formed the cosmos and one creature in particular to fulfill His divine desire. But what is that desire? What does God want?
Everything in this age has been made for two reasons:
Biblical discipleship is a process of reorienting our lives around God's desire. If you know why God created everything and why this age exists, you can live a life of wisdom aligned with His desire. If you do not fully grasp these two reasons, your life will not be fully aligned with His purposes. Tragically, most people do not realize God's purpose for this fallen age, so they live aimlessly out of sync with His desire.
Can you imagine the shock so many will experience when they realize they did not live with God's purposes for the age in mind?
In What Does God Want? discover:
Are you ready to align your life with God's desire?