Zetta's Kin: Short Stories & Other Ponderings

The Zetta Series

Reeks: The Zetta Series


Zetta's Kin: Short Stories & Other Ponderings, the fifth book of the Zetta series, is a collection of some of Sandra Aldrich's short stories, articles, ponderings, and even a few poems previously published in now defunct magazines or discovered in old files. The author, granddaughter of the woman who is the inspiration for the character of Zetta, now offers glimpses into the lives of various folks who influenced and blessed her own life.

Even before her own hair embraced its gray, Sandra noticed old people whose families didn't understand who they once had been. Or what hopes they still embraced. Such encounters resulted in the two leading stories in this latest book. Following those are other stories and accounts of ordinary days that held special moments. And some of those special moments not only offered needed encouragement, but even changed Sandra's life.

So, settle into your favorite chair and join Sandra as she invites you into a few personal experiences. And even an occasional secret. Yes, some are sad. A few are ridiculous. But many other events have given her insight to this joyous business of being human.

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