Mystery Man Revealed


He saw her that day, the first day that she started working for his sick aunt. She was bubbly, vivacious, and stunningly beautiful. She made his aunt laugh and smile, like she hadn’t done in years. She saw him that day too. She smiled and waved at him as if pleased to see him.
He did nothing. He knew that she was the innocent destined to lose her life to give him his immortality.
The following day, he had the windows to his sanctuary tinted so she couldn’t see in, but he could see out. For the next six months before his aunt died, he watched her every day. At the funeral he couldn’t take his eyes off her sombre figure.
At the reading of the will, he scowled outwardly that she was given the gatehouse. Inwardly, he smiled the brightest smile knowing that she would have to work for him to actually attain it.
She had intrigued him from that first smile, he wanted to know this enigma of a woman. Even if he would take her life, he wanted to know her.
Honey Combes was there for Rosie Jackson’s funeral. She saw Aiden Jackson watching her and could only wonder why. To her, he had become known only as the mystery man. The man that never smiled, spent every moment of his life cooped up in a little room, but was loved dearly by his now dead aunt.
Finding out that Rosie had left her a house had astonished Honey. She wasn’t too sure about the terms. She knew she had to accept that she was broke. She also didn’t want to keep living with her parents and three younger sisters.
It was only six months that she had to work for him. Maybe she would uncover the hidden layers of him that had always fascinated her, or it could be the worst six months of her life.
One fateful night in what appeared a normal nightclub, everything changes. With an evil lurking, will they become closer or succumb to the terror this pure blood delivers? Honey may just find out that who she is just as much a mystery as what Aiden happens to be.

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