Mind Detox
Discover and Resolve the Root Causes of Chronic Conditions and Persistent Problems
Sandy C. Newbigging
- Heal
- the
- hidden
- cause
- of
- your
- symptoms
- with
- the
- 5-step
- Mind
- Detox
- method•
- Details
- an
- effective
- 5-step
- technique
- that
- quickly
- resolves
- the
- root-cause
- experiences
- and
- beliefs
- that
- trigger
- chronic
- conditions
- and
- negative
- behavior
- patterns•
- Explores
- the
- most
- common
- unhealthy
- beliefs
- that
- have
- been
- found
- to
- negatively
- impact
- health,
- wealth
- and
- happiness,
- and
- shows
- ways
- to
- heal
- them•
- Provides
- practical
- healing
- tools
- like
- Blind-Spot
- Busting,
- Decision
- Destroyers,
- and
- Mind
- Detox
- with
- you
- suffer
- from
- chronic
- physical
- or
- emotional
- conditions?
- Feel
- stuck
- with
- reoccurring
- patterns
- in
- your
- life?
- Don’t
- know
- why
- you
- react
- the
- way
- you
- do
- and
- can’t
- seem
- to
- help
- it?
- Much
- of
- our
- chronic
- conditions,
- repetitive
- behaviors,
- and
- emotional
- problems
- can
- be
- traced
- to
- unresolved
- past
- events
- stuck
- in
- the
- unconscious
- mind
- and
- to
- unhealthy
- belief
- systems
- we
- developed
- in
- our
- past
- that
- are
- no
- longer
- serving
- us
- in
- the
- present.In
- Mind
- Detox,
- Sandy
- C.
- Newbigging
- reveals
- a
- deceptively
- simple,
- yet
- potent
- 5-step
- method
- for
- detoxing
- the
- unconscious
- mind
- and
- resolving
- physical,
- emotional,
- and
- life
- problems.
- The
- author
- explains
- how
- to
- roll
- back
- in
- time
- to
- discover
- the
- significant
- emotional
- event,
- the
- root-cause
- experience,
- that
- shaped
- the
- core
- beliefs
- that
- trigger
- your
- chronic
- condition
- or
- behavior
- patterns.
- He
- describes
- how
- to
- reflect
- on
- why
- this
- root-cause
- event
- was
- a
- problem
- at
- the
- time
- and
- then
- consider
- the
- experience
- in
- light
- of
- your
- more-aware,
- present-day
- self,
- allowing
- you
- to
- form
- new
- conclusions
- about
- what
- happened.
- Releasing
- you
- from
- your
- root-cause
- events,
- the
- past
- events
- no
- longer
- negatively
- impact
- you
- today,
- you
- find
- peace
- in
- the
- present,
- and
- your
- body
- becomes
- more
- able
- to
- heal.In
- addition
- to
- the
- author’s
- simple
- 5-step
- Mind
- Detox
- system,
- he
- offers
- guidance
- on
- how
- to
- use
- in
- combination
- with
- the
- Mind
- Detox
- method,
- explores
- common
- major
- blind
- spots
- in
- our
- belief
- systems
- and
- how
- to
- overcome
- them,
- and
- offers
- practical
- healing
- tools
- like
- the
- “decision
- destroyer.”
- He
- also
- explores
- the
- most
- common
- unhealthy
- beliefs
- that
- have
- been
- found
- to
- negatively
- impact
- health,
- wealth,
- and
- happiness,
- showing
- ways
- to
- heal
- them,
- and
- shares
- self-healing
- success
- stories
- of
- how
- the
- Mind
- Detox
- method
- has
- successfully
- cleared
- skin
- conditions,
- erased
- chronic
- pain,
- and
- healed
- digestive
- disorders.Providing
- a
- powerful
- way
- to
- let
- go
- of
- emotional
- baggage,
- release
- toxic
- beliefs,
- and
- clear
- the
- mental
- blocks
- to
- your
- goals,
- this
- 5-step
- guide
- empowers
- you
- to
- rewrite
- your
- past,
- find
- resolution
- for
- negative
- experiences,
- and
- use
- your
- newly
- cleansed
- mind
- to
- achieve
- brilliant
- success
- in
- all
- areas
- of
- life,
- along
- with
- happiness,
- wealth,
- and well-being.
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