Divine Essence


Jesus quotes Psalms when he said, "Ye are Gods, and children of the most High God." And as Christ has "all that [his] Father has," then divinity is certainly within our grasp, if we will be obedient, humble, and willing to "be perfected" through Christ.

It is crucial to recognize that personal development is not solely about achieving external goals but also about becoming the best version of oneself. As you embark on your development journey, remember that your health (physical, mental, and spiritual) is your most valuable asset, and it deserves the utmost care and attention.

Since you do not have complete control over the social and physical circumstances you encounter on a daily basis, there are bound to be inconsistencies between what your identities, goals, and preferences lead you to expect or wish in specific situations and what actually occurs.

You need not blame anyone or anything for your current situation. The overall goal is to learn to create your own conditions, no matter how challenging they may appear.

Recent research supports the commonsense notion that it is better to face your troubles than to run away from them. Although escaping painful feelings like anxiety, depression, and anger may make you feel better in the short run, in the long run, avoidance prevents you from having positive corrective experiences associated with facing these painful feelings.

Whether you want to make just a few changes in your lifestyle or you need a major life overhaul, this workbook shows you how to get started and stick with a program that is tailored for you.

It would require an optimistic outlook on life. Effective self-regulation is the foundation of normal psychological functioning.

The route to long-term success is fraught with challenges. Nobody is spared the gauntlet. Mental fortitude is essential to overcome obstacles that threaten to derail us from our objectives.

There is no other way to achieve sustained excellence. To some, it seems cliche, but to others, it is the sole reason for becoming a better person today than you were yesterday.

So, how can you create the best you? It is entirely up to you to decide. However, you must be prepared and willing to delve deeply to do so. Anyone who has achieved long-term success has mental toughness. If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

Over the course of 101 days, your splendor will build on itself, and that momentum will not only propel you forward but will also spread to others. You will be in the best position for success if you take the time to read the book over the course of 101 days and, most importantly, take action daily and record the same in the book.

I have chosen 48 character traits for you to develop or strengthen. Determine which trait to work on first. Alternatively, you can work on numerous qualities at once. It is suggested, however, that you follow the direction this journal takes you.

Approach this book with the understanding that in order to become the best version of yourself, you will need to make certain changes and genuinely travel your own path; in doing so, you will be required to reconsider many things, you've learned thus far.

Although the approach I've outlined is quite easy, my goal with this workbook is to help you overcome life's problems and empower you to take control of your life. What is unique about this book is that it immediately zeros in on what is relevant to you, that is, the specific stressors in your life and how you react to them.

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better." - Maya Angelou

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