"GRETOM-Gita" stands for "Great Thoughts of Management from Bhagavad Gita". Based on inspiring threads of thought from Bhagavad Gita, "GRETOM-Gita" presents variety of innovative and refreshing thoughts on management, leadership and self-development.
Every book in this series is unique in concept and present a self-development syllabus in itself. Aimed at deeper exploration of Bhagavad Gita connection with Management, GRETOM-Gita a thought transformation series. Crafted with rains of inspiration and waves of confidence, "GRETOM-Gita" has objective to evolve fresh value thoughts in the field of knowledge and management.
"GRETOM-Gita" is not a straight translation of Bhagavad Gita but rather an approach to find connecting thoughts on human development, lighted with management specs. Designed to elevate the power in performance, thoughts and knowledge, GRETOM Gita is knowledge capsule and energy booster in thoughts. Diversified content of GRETOM-Gita brings framework & guidance books, assessment exercises books, management models, and rejuvenating rhymes.
Here in this book, we are exploring on how to see "Inspiration" with specs of "Introspective wisdom". Introspective wisdom is an approach about looking at self, observing thought process of self and hence when we connect this with inspiration, it means introspecting self-inspiration.
Lighted from stanza 01.01 of Bhagavad Gita, this concept is provoking a thought that how is the pulse of inspiration in our thought process and how we can enhance it?
To facilitate this better, 1] an exercise is given to scan how is the self-introspective wisdom and 2] how to define a thought principle which is inspiration facing. All with objective to enhance the level of inspiration in our day to day thought process and so a progressive and aspiring outlook in life forever.