Bible Talk, Theology Talk


Written from the perspective of Christian faith and experience as known within the fellowship of the body of Christ, BIBLE TALK promises to facilitate increased understanding of how the Christian Bible came into existence and provide answers to the most pervading questions surrounding the Bible that confronts the Christian believer today. You will not have to peruse many pages before discovering the reason why the Bible remains the most published, most quoted, most translated and most influential book in the history of mankind.

THEOLOGY TALK will increase your knowledge of apologetics, key Christian terms and the heresy some of the apostles and early Church Fathers had to fight diligently against in defense of the true Christianity. It will also aid you in formulating your own theories that makes sense of the various parts of Christian doctrine and beliefs and, at those points where it intersects with the world, motivate and encourage you to further inquiry and serious contemplation on doctrinal and theological issues.

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