Sioras4: The Recognition


Sioras4 -The Recognition. Sioras4 is a planet from our Universe. It has a few conditions for supporting the life as a part of our Earth conditions. Sioras4 was colonized by people excluded from our society. They were outlaws, like Radu and the Skinny, who made a lot of bad things and the court had convicted and sent them to one of the exclusion space station. Those who were more serious antisocial acts were taken on Station Zero, a space station of exclusion. Its name is Station Zero because the excluded have very few rights. The excluded were finished and paid their sentence, repaired the damages and after that they have recovered all rights and freedom, inclusive the right to return in society, a society which has its basis on human rights and freedom. They were now free men who could return to Earth, in society, a society with no wars. But some of ex-excluded chosen to live on Sioras4, a planet which had a type of society based on obligation relation. The Earth society based on rights and freedom, was consisted of all independent states on Earth, international organizations, private organizations and so on. This state has its own leaders, as the independent state just like today. The entire Earth is this society. But it is an advanced society because they like and guarantee all the rights of people, including human rights and all the freedom. The society has a lot of airports for space and one of them is the number four space airport. On that space airport there are some pilots who carry out orders of their commanders and society, Tudor, Gabriel, Luca, Adrian and so on. They have received a lot of space missions, including the mission to recover the Station Zero, if they could do this. The people of Sioras4 in collaboration with the space pilots of F formation, the pilots of society on Earth, fight against the excluded from society who conquered the Station Zero, a space station for expulsion.

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