This book explores the sacred journey of marriage, which a husband and wife undertake in their progression to God.
Marriage is a process where two individuals of different backgrounds and different experiences come together to help each other in their journey towards Allah.
The book analyses the different roles a husband and wife should play to make the best out of their marriage.
It shares practical tips on how to build a successful marriage. Tips which we sometimes take for granted, or some which we may have never thought about.
Here is a short excerpt from the book
Human beings, by their very nature, have the potential to progress – whether morally, intellectually, socially, spiritually or economically and more. It may be gaining knowledge, getting a job or perfecting a skill. The best type of progress and the one that is shown by this book is the journey towards God – which is inclusive of all material and spiritual characteristics and advocates using them in the right way. This is elaborated on in our section entitled ‘journey’ whereby we state that an individual should essentially be a wayfarer where he/she passes through several stages in a disciplined and focused manner in order to reach ‘fana’ – to see nothing but God.
These stages involve making the necessary intention to pursue the journey of self-purification coupled with steadfastness and certainty of this objective. This is followed by the removal of vices from the soul by practicing abstinence, which then allows virtues to ingrain themselves within a person. By reaching this pure state, one is able to reflect over his/her true existence and the nature of his/her surroundings. He/she can then ascertain that these surroundings only appear to be reality; the true reality is God.
This book is a pleasant read, and the reader will benefit greatly from the book.