Reeks: The NIV Application Commentary
Scot McKnight
- The
- Application
- Commentary
- helps
- you
- communicate
- and
- apply
- biblical
- text
- effectively
- in
- today's
- context.In
- Galatians,
- Paul
- reminds
- us
- of
- the
- total
- sufficiency
- of
- Jesus
- in
- securing
- our
- salvation,
- and
- of
- the
- leadership
- of
- the
- Holy
- Spirit
- for
- living
- it
- out.
- Calling
- us
- back
- to
- the
- simplicity
- of
- Christ,
- Galatians
- is
- as
- critically
- important
- for
- us
- today
- as
- it
- was
- when
- Paul
- first
- penned
- it.
- Exploring
- the
- links
- between
- the
- Bible
- and
- our
- own
- times,
- Scot
- McKnight
- shares
- perspectives
- on
- the
- letter
- to
- the
- Galatians
- that
- reveal
- its
- enduring
- relevance
- for
- our
- twenty-first-century
- lives.To
- bring
- the
- ancient
- messages
- of
- the
- Bible
- into
- today's
- context,
- each
- passage
- is
- treated
- in
- three
- sections:This
- unique,
- award-winning
- commentary
- is
- the
- ideal
- resource
- for
- today's
- preachers,
- teachers,
- and
- serious
- students
- of
- the
- Bible,
- giving
- them
- the
- tools,
- ideas,
- and
- insights
- they
- need
- to
- communicate
- God's
- Word
- with
- the
- same
- powerful
- impact
- it
- had
- when
- it
- was
- first written.
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