The Man in the Silver Suit
Seamus Anthony
- Firing
- a
- guy
- is
- one
- thing.
- Beating
- him
- up
- is
- another.
- But
- kidnapping
- a
- man's
- dog?
- Ok,
- that's
- game
- on…When
- depressed
- corporate
- worker
- Jason
- Axleby
- loses
- his
- career
- and
- his
- girlfriend,
- he
- tries
- something
- new
- –
- a
- job
- in
- garden
- maintenance.
- His
- new
- boss,
- Hayley
- Dubner,
- loves
- sticking
- her
- nose
- into
- other
- people's
- business,
- so
- when
- Jason
- finds
- a
- murder
- victim
- under
- the
- rose
- bushes,
- Hayley
- insists
- on
- a
- spot
- of
- snooping
- before
- they
- call
- the
- cops.Before
- Jason
- knows
- what's
- happening,
- his
- dog
- has
- been
- kidnapped
- and
- the
- gardeners
- have
- both
- been
- forced
- into
- a
- violent
- underworld
- chase
- for
- the
- murder
- victim's
- fortune.
- This
- means
- finding
- the
- dead
- man's
- phone–which
- is
- easier
- said
- than
- done
- when
- every
- two-bit
- gangster
- in
- Melbourne
- is
- after
- it.As
- the
- killer's
- deadline
- looms,
- Jason
- gets
- attacked
- in
- a
- train
- station
- toilet,
- jumps
- naked
- from
- a
- two
- story
- building
- in
- Bali
- and
- is
- almost
- buried
- alive
- by
- a
- giant
- pile
- of
- green
- waste.
- More
- importantly,
- he
- digs
- deep
- to
- unravel
- why
- he's
- been
- so
- miserable
- lately
- and
- what
- he
- needs
- to
- do
- to
- get
- his
- life—and
- his
- dog—back.Primarily
- set
- around
- Melbourne,
- Australia,
- 'The
- Man
- in
- the
- Silver
- Suit'
- is
- part
- murder
- mystery,
- part
- bumbling
- crime
- caper,
- and
- part
- action-packed
- kidnapping thriller.