Galloglass Book Two: Defender of the Realm
Reeks: Galloglass
Seamus O'Griffin
- Book
- Two,
- the
- adventure
- continues
- as
- Ronan
- MacAlasdair,
- in
- his
- position
- as
- Turcopole
- of
- the
- Templar
- Order,
- is
- drawn
- deeper
- into
- the
- affairs
- and
- political
- rivalries
- of
- the
- Latin
- Kingdom
- of
- Jerusalem
- and
- Acre.
- New
- dangers
- arise
- as
- the
- Mamluk
- Sultan
- of
- Egypt
- moves
- closer
- to
- a
- war
- whose
- ultimate
- goal
- is
- to
- drive
- the
- last
- remaining
- Crusader
- state
- in
- the
- Holy
- Land
- into
- the sea.